Content Marketing: Create More, Curate Less
By Brad Woodward
Gone are the days of meaningless content sharing via social media (in reality…these days have been long gone). High production value and creative storytelling is the new standard. Which means brands’ traditional media production spending has to carry over into social media content spending.
Check out our latest spot produced for social media:
We are so excited to share this video with you. It's been a long time in the making. We hope you like it, share it, and tell us – what inspires you? #InspiredByKids
Posted by St. Louis Children's Hospital on Monday, May 18, 2015
Brands can no longer get away with producing a six figure broadcast spot while posting stock photos and quick copy to their social media pages. A brand’s content footprint must match its traditional media, brand, story and value footprints.
Traditionally, curation was the major driver of content on social media, but this is difficult to sustain while staying narrowly focused on a brand story. Some brands can survive on a curation only/mostly diet, but only if you’re stocked with loads of extremely relevant and entertaining content that hasn’t been over shared (almost impossible).
It’s easy to post a cat video. It’s easy to re-tweet. It’s easy to post other people’s content. Let them do the work, right? No. We create in every other medium, so why would it be a stretch to create high-quality content for social media? Content creation is the only way to guarantee your brand voice is being heard.
At McKee Wallwork our team of content creators is focused on developing relevant, brand-centric new content on a daily basis. We plan high-production value content with flexibility. We plan evergreen content for those times we just need something up. And we seize the moment if and when we need to be timely and quick to respond to unfolding events.
All brands have to learn to produce better content, faster and with more flexibility. We’ve built a content marketing machine around this new reality and put it through its paces every day.
Don’t get stuck in the curation rut. Creativity has always been where it’s at.
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