Book Review
TURNS: Where Business is Won and Lost
By Steve McKee

Who should read this book:
For those a little bored with the normal business book, TURNS presents a fresh and sweeping view of how change and uncertainty works in business, culture, and history.
Turns. They’re unexpected, they’re intentional, they’re life-changing and game-changing and instrumental and detrimental. They’re physical, metaphorical, astronomical, and infinitesimal. And they’re all around us, at every moment. What does this have to do with business, you may be asking? Well, everything.
When Robert Frost saw that two roads diverged in a yellow wood, he was sorry he couldn’t travel both. It’s a conundrum business leaders often find themselves in, knowing full-well the turns they decide to take can lead to failure or success, to livelihood or layoffs, to innovation or to irrelevance. Turns are unavoidable, but they don’t have to come out of nowhere causing you to yank the steering wheel last minute to avoid a cliff.
TURNS is a fascinating journey through history, physics, astronomy, music, mechanics, philosophy, and yes, business (our own included) that explores what all turns have in common to help you best navigate them. In it, we share eight principles on how to better prepare for those curves and curveballs, and how to reduce uncertainty when making decisions, searching for answers, or pivoting your perspective, people, processes, and profits. Your road can’t stay straight forever. But the insights in TURNS can help you head confidently in the right direction.
Who should read this book:
For those a little bored with the normal business book, TURNS presents a fresh and sweeping view of how change and uncertainty works in business, culture, and history.
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